Wednesday, April 28, 2010


No, it is not okay for another person to look through your personal belongings. That is your personal things nobody has the right to look through it whether it is your family or friends, it is just not right. I would never look through someone else’s phone, or room to find out anything on them. Not to find out what they are doing or who they are hanging out with or anything like that. That is their personal business; it is not my business to know that. If they tell me than that’s a different story because they are making it my business. If my mom or sisters every looked through my phone or my room I would be livid. I don’t believe that they have the right to go through my stuff. By them not going through my belongings it’s a sign of respect, a sign of respect that Polonius did not have for Hamlet. He did not have respect for Hamlet because he found a letter that Hamlet had wrote to Polonius’ daughter Ophelia. The letter was a love note to her showing how much he really does love her and cares about her. Polonius had no right to read it aloud to Hamlets mother, Gertrude and stepfather, Claudius. That was Hamlets personal business and Polonius had no right to read it and then read it aloud to Hamlets mother and stepfather. Respect is everything; and that’s what people have to have for their family and friends.

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