Wednesday, April 28, 2010


No, it is not okay for another person to look through your personal belongings. That is your personal things nobody has the right to look through it whether it is your family or friends, it is just not right. I would never look through someone else’s phone, or room to find out anything on them. Not to find out what they are doing or who they are hanging out with or anything like that. That is their personal business; it is not my business to know that. If they tell me than that’s a different story because they are making it my business. If my mom or sisters every looked through my phone or my room I would be livid. I don’t believe that they have the right to go through my stuff. By them not going through my belongings it’s a sign of respect, a sign of respect that Polonius did not have for Hamlet. He did not have respect for Hamlet because he found a letter that Hamlet had wrote to Polonius’ daughter Ophelia. The letter was a love note to her showing how much he really does love her and cares about her. Polonius had no right to read it aloud to Hamlets mother, Gertrude and stepfather, Claudius. That was Hamlets personal business and Polonius had no right to read it and then read it aloud to Hamlets mother and stepfather. Respect is everything; and that’s what people have to have for their family and friends.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In Shakespeare's time people were tortured all the time. These people were tortured for many different reasons. One of the things that they used to torture the people with was called the French Rack. The French Rack, you had to lay on top of these rods that had spikes on them. You had to lay on these spiky rods naked so you could really feel the affect and the pain.This was extremely painful. The spikes would rotate and dig into your skin, which this would lead you to be in a lot of pain, and then eventually dying. You would die because the spikes would rotate into your skin and rip your skin up, and then dig into your body.

The Capital and Corporal punishment, in my eyes do not work. It is not a punishment to them, it just gets them more mad and angry. They just get into more trouble after this punishment because a lot of people do not like when they are told what to do. For an example they don't like to be told to sit in the corner, they don't like to be spanked, or being beaten, and many more reasons. I believe that if you tell someone not to do something then that is just going to make you do it even more. If you tell someone not to, then their just going to in the end.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Odysseus fights back

In the Odyssey, at the end Odysseus kills all of the suitors. He was in his own house when he killed all of the suitors with the help from his son Telemachus. They killed all of the suitors because Odysseus believes that they were disrespecting his home, town, and his wife. Over all the suitors were disrespectful to his home, it was a mess the destroyed by being the sloppy men that they were. They disrespected his town that he made with his bare hands. They especially disrespected his wife, no women should have to be tempted to re marry just because Odyssues said that she could if he didn't return back to Ithaca before their son started to grow facile hair.

I like this scene because, I believe that everyone should stand up for their rights, Odysseus did just that. When he finally returned home he stood up for his rights and disrespected those men just like how they disrespected him, his town and wife and son. No I can not relate to this scene but I do believe that it is a great scene. It shows that Odyssues really does truly care about his wife, son, and town. To kill all of those men just for disrespecting him and everything that he lived for, that takes a lot of courage. It is not funny, sad because all of the men died, but also very inspiring. It is inspiring because Odysseus stood up for himself just like everyone else should. Never let anyone walk over you and everything that you live for. Do unto others as others do unto you.

The song that i have chosen for this scene by We come as Romans, and it is called Intentions. I chose this song because of the lyrics, not so much for the sound. The lyrics and wonderful, this one part is why i chose it, "Be my strength to tear away this blindness that makes us unable to see what is standing beside us. I'll be your strength, follow my lead." Those few words of part of the song just made me think of Telemachus following his father and having his back when they were fighting. Telemachus just being there for his father and helping him out when he needed him.