Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Alchemist is a novel written by Paulo Coleho. This novel was very enjoyable to read. i would definitely recamend someone to read this book. At first for me it was confusing but after a while i started to understand and grow to like the book. This is the first book that i have ever read that i really enjoyed. Every night that we had to read i wanted to keep on reading to find out what was going to happen next, that's how much i liked The Alchemist. ti was a very nice story for people to also learn by. Learn to never give up on your dreams. Santiago's dream was to go to the pyramids and find his treasure along the way of course things got in his way and delayed him to get there a few years later, but he did eventually got there. its just teaching you to never give up on anything, your dreams, love, career; just anything. Live your life to the fullest and you will never have to give up on your dreams and things like that.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me !

Today is my birthday! I have finally turned eighteen, and loving it. For my birthday my mom is making me a banging dinner. She is making my favorite Chinese. Then after dinner we are going to open all my presents. Then were going to sing happy birthday and have the best homemade cake ever, my mom is making a white cake with strawberry icing. That is my favorite. I love my birthday; I like to think that it is its own personal holiday. For my birthday I am going to a Phillies game tomorrow May twentieth with my friends. It is going to be so much fun; I have only been to one Phillies game and that was with my family two years ago for my little sister’s birthday. Now I get to go with my friends and it is for my birthday this time. This is going to be the best birthday ever; my best friend moved to West Virginia, and she is coming up for my birthday today. I am so excited to see her; it has been such a long time since I have seen her. I can not wait to go home and open presents and see my best friend =) Happy birthday to me!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Job Skills

My future dream job is to become a cosmetologist. I have wanted to do hair and make up since I was in the sixth grade. It is my dream, if i don't do this I don't know what else i would do. I believe i would be fit for this job because it has been my dream for the longest time. Like I said if i don't do this i don't know what else i would want to do. this job would be a good fit for me because i love doing hair and make up. when i am bored and have nothing to do I do my hair and make up for fun. I just enjoy doing it. to me i fell by doing peoples hair and make up I'm making them fell better and making them look good for themselves or for something that they have to go to or whatever it may be.

1. Handling complaints
-If a client does not like their hair or make up I have to handle their complaint and fix it how they like it and hold in my composure.

2. Adapting new procedures
-Having to learn a new hair style or a different way to put on make up

3. Operating equipment
-Knowing how to use the hair clippers and make up utensils.

4.Collaborating ideas
-Helping my client out with their hair style giving them ideas to make it look better

5.Teaching/instructing/training individuals
-If their is a new employer I would have to show them around and all of the equipment that we have

6.Maintaining emotional control under stress
-If a client does not like their hair or make up i have to keep everything under control and stay calm and fix what she does not like

7.Organizing tasks
-Before I have a client make sure everything i need is out and ready to be used in a organized fashion

8. Meeting people
-Meeting new clients and making them happy with the talent that I have

9. Editing work
-If a client did not like their hair style or make up make it to how they would like it

10.Promoting events
-Make flyers for an event in order for me to do their hair and make up

11.Questioning others
-What do they want their hair to look like, how they want their make up done

12. Enduring long hours
-Knowing how to deal with working long hours and standing on my feet for those long hours

13. Displaying artistic ideas
-Knowing how to do their hair and make up with my artistic talent

14. Serving individuals
-Doing their hair and make up serving them to what they want

15. Encouraging others
-Tell them what would look better and what wouldn't

16.Developing plans for projects
-Coming up with ideas for events that we may have

17. Thinking of creative ideas
-Thinking of different hair styles, different hair colors and different ways to put on make up to make my client look beautiful

18. Taking independent action
-If someone has been waiting a long time for their hair appointment and just asked them if they would like to get their hair cut by me instead of waiting any longer.

19.Knowledge of concepts and principles
-Knowing the rules and regulations of what to do and what not to do

20.Skillfully applying professional knowledge
Knowing what to do when a client is wanting to get their hair and makeup done by you. knowing how to apply your talent